Requirements vary from state to state, and sometimes county to county.
It is the bridal couple’s responsibility to consult with their local court/city clerk to find the exact requirements for their area. The following information may change at any time.
You do not need witnesses for a wedding ceremony.
US Mississippi Marriage Laws
Requirements vary from state to state, and sometimes county to county.
It is the bridal couple’s responsibility to consult with their local court/city clerk to find the exact requirements for their area. The following information may change at any time.
You do not need witnesses for a wedding ceremony.
You must obtain your marriage license from the Circuit Clerk’s office. The officiant cannot provide it to you. Both parties must be present.
Both parties must be 21 years of age to get married in Mississippi.
It is the wedding couple’s responsibility to acquire a valid marriage license in the state where the wedding ceremony will take place and that the marriage license must be on the premises when the ceremony is performed.
There is no waiting period in Mississippi once you buy your license. Licenses must be used within 30 days or they are void.
You do not have to be a resident in the county or state where you plan to have your ceremony. No blood test or other tests are required.
Us Alabama Marriage Laws
In order to get married in the State of Alabama, couples must apply in person and present identification to obtain a marriage license application.
Requirements may vary as each county in Alabama could have their own set of rules.
Alabama marriage license fees typically range between $40 and $80.
You may purchase your license in any county in Alabama, it is not required that you buy it in the county where you are to be married.
It is important that you verify all information with your local County Probate office before making a trip to purchase your marriage license.
Us Louisianna Marriage Laws
A marriage license may be issued in any parish in Louisiana, regardless of where the nuptial is to be performed, or where the applicants reside.
Louisiana Marriage Licenses are issued by the office of the Clerk of Court in each parish.
The marriage license fee in Louisiana varies by parish and is required at the time of application.
The marriage will be recorded in the parish where the marriage license was purchased.
Minimum age to marry is 16.
There is a 24-hour waiting period between the time of issuance of the license and the ceremony.
An unused marriage license expires 30 days from the date of issue.
Blood tests are no longer required to purchase a marriage license in Louisiana.
You do not have to be a resident of Louisiana.
Two (2) witnesses are required to sign the marriage license at the time of the ceremony.